Unique Aspects of Title Searches in Puerto Rico

Unique Aspects of Title Searches in Puerto Rico

  1. Document Availability: Unlike other regions, Puerto Rican registries do not store physical copies of documents. At ProTitleUSA, we’re unable to obtain document copies from the recorder’s office, as they only maintain basic recording details. These details are then translated into Spanish and included in our reports.
  2. Accessing Document Copies: In Puerto Rico, only the notary attorney who initially recorded the documents retains the original copies. They can provide these copies for a fee ranging from $25 to $50. To request copies, one typically needs a letter of appointment, demonstrating interest in the property. Our summary reports include the necessary contact details of the attorney.
  3. Procedure for Obtaining Copies: While most notary attorneys in Puerto Rico are English-speaking, it’s not a universal trait. For updated contact information of any registered attorney, there’s a government-supported helpline, currently at 787-763-8816 (this number may change).
  4. Document Recording Process: In Puerto Rico, notary attorneys are exclusively responsible for recording documents. It’s essential for recording companies to work with local attorneys in each registry. The process involves verifying documents with a notary attorney before recording.
  5. Registry Search Method: Title searches in Puerto Rican registries are conducted using either the legal description or the recording details of the deed. Searches by name or address are not possible. When requesting a title search from ProTitleUSA, be prepared to provide the legal description of the property.
  6. Local Contacts: ProTitleUSA maintains a comprehensive list of local Puerto Rican notary attorneys to assist with searches in all registries.
  7. No Translation Fees: At ProTitleUSA, we translate the Spanish title search abstracts into English at no additional cost.
  8. Challenges in Document Retrieval: Currently, we do not offer a document retrieval service due to its complexity. This involves contacting each attorney individually for documents, which can be time-consuming, especially if the attorney has relocated or is unavailable.
  9. Tax Information Services: Tax information, separate from the search abstract, is not included in our standard service. A separate tax search, known as a CRIM Search, in Puerto Rico costs $150. This search requires the property number, owner’s name, and full SSN, and is conducted by a local searcher with access to the CRIM system.

Title Searches in Puerto Rico